Thursday, September 15, 2011

Karnes is his name ...

I just watched a 9-11 movie - the title itself is unimportant now (I'm sure you can easily find my review on Amazon) but what struck me is this "half-myth" story of the guy who literally got up from his life and rejoined the Marines that day, is actually TRUE.  I found articles at Slate:  if you google it (sorry, I can't cut and paste the link) the Wiki article will refer you to it, and, in addition, the article on Slate is also listed ...

This is the part of the movie, about this Staff Sgt. Karnes, that made me bawl the hardest - to where I actually had to pause, get up, do something else, and come back to it ...

See, when 9-11 happened, I was married to a former Marine, also ironically named Dave ... and trust me when I tell you, this idea didn't even remotely occur to him.  We went to church services ... and when they called for heavy socks for the workers at the Pentagon (we lived in Virginia) it was me who grabbed the 14 pair of heavy wool socks I had just recently purchased for myself at a yard sale, because my dammed feet are always so cold, and then I think he may have gone through his ...

I guess I shouldn't be surprised - not when I think about that time at Wal-Mart and that desperate prayer I made to God when my life was threatened, and the security guard literally hid behind a podium, and my husband - the man I married - the former Marine - dodged behind the shopping carts.  It was literally only God who saved me that day.  That's just part of another story ; I'm just interjecting it here to say "why didn't I figure?!"

I almost feel like I should go and apologize to my father, for marrying someone not like Staff Sgt. Karnes.

God Bless you Staff Sgt. Karnes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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