Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Yeahhh, I was worried about that kid ...

Years back, when my kid and other people's kids were small, I had a dear friend who was going through a divorce ... whose son, then about two, three, had the same first name as his father ... so she decided to start calling her kid by a different name

And I don't mean "Sweetheart" or "Buddy" ... and I don't mean "Shithead" (she was actually a dammed decent mother) ... but by a completely different first name!

Both my mother and I had a conversation with her in which we basically said - this is going to make the kid NUTS!  You can't do this!  I'm sure other people said so, too ...

Anyway one of the 'advantages' of being online is that you can now get 'the rest of the story' ... and, quite unlike that famous radio personality who always told intriguing and wonderful stories!, in real life, it isn't always so pretty!  sometimes I find out things I wish I hadn't known - wish I had stayed in my hazy field of memories and hoped for happy ever after ...

Well I looked up this kid - who btw now uses his real first name ... and, ah -well --

He's kind of walked over into the dark side, starting with D & D and going on from there - I'm talking the worlds best known by Wes Craven and so on from there ...

Mebbe if he only heard one name his whole life ... who knows?!

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